About Us

Computational Lab. is independence app and games developer that founded by Laboratory staffs of Computational Laboratory of Department of Physics, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. The developer have just purposes to make any educational android app and games. With all incomes from paid app and advertisements, it.s will use for maintenance and develop another android app and games that targeted at 1000 active app and games. Until this page created, about 50 app and games has been made, and will be continue.

This blog is one of our blogs that have mainly purposes just for the tutorial and examples of our swarm intelligences apps. All post in this blog is examples of the result how our swarm intelligence engine in our app can be work, especially to solve math problems. If you have questions or need tutorial, you can comment below or visit and posted your questions in our Swarm Intelligence community. Thanks for visit our blog.

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